À propos de la catégorie English / Anglais

Talk about everything, it’s here!

  • The C / C ++ language
  • The Python language
  • Share your knowledge with the community
  • and many other things…

Here you can ask questions about Gamebuino, ask for help, post your own tutorials, and more : to get started, it’s here :

Getting started with your Gamebuino : unboxing
Getting started with your Gamebuino : how to install games
Getting started with your Gamebuino : start learning python
Getting started with your Gamebuino : start learning C/C++
Reinstall the SD card of your Gamebuino

Python is a high-level programming language that is often used for general purposes. It is a powerful and versatile language that can be used for complex applications, yet it is extremely easy to learn and use. Python has been around since the late 1980’s and has gained immense popularity in recent years with its robust frameworks, libraries, and tools. Its simple syntax makes it an ideal choice for developers at all stages of experience, from beginners to advanced users. I am writing python on latest iphones in pakistan and want to develop blogging website.