Release template for


i have made a release template for to make runnable games in html using the gamebuino (wasm) emulator. I had seen there are only a handfull of releases of gamebuino games on and none were marked as runnable in browser … I don’t know if this is the best way but it does work for me and i thought i’d share what i did…

I used the distribution files from this topic to either load the scalable console version on devices with a touch screen (well no real mouse) with the new skin or the scalable fullscreen version without the console bezel to be used on desktop pc’s / browsers.
The trick is really simple, you can use the media css to query for a coarse cursor and an iframe you scale to full dimensions of the window (container). Then you can load different html files inside the iframe by just changing the SRC attribute of the iframe based on having a coarse cursor or not.

This is the template i used to accomplish this (save as index.html and combine with the other distribution files from either the wasm or old emulator version)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title>Waternet - Gamebuino Meta</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Willems Davy" />
			function setIframeSrc()
				const iframe = document.querySelector('#iframe');
				urlnotouch = "./emulator-fullscreen.html";
				urltouch = "./console2-fullscreen.html";
				if (window.matchMedia("(any-pointer:coarse)").matches)
					iframe.setAttribute('src', urltouch);
					iframe.setAttribute('src', urlnotouch);
  <body onload="setIframeSrc();">
    <iframe id="iframe" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;" src="" />

You can see it in action here for my waternet game.

Try surfing to the page on a (fast) phone and press run game and do the same on a desktop / pc browser you’ll see it loads 2 different versions and it seems to work fine for me.

Some tips:

  • Compile your game with -O2 instead of the default -Os optimization level it will make the WASM emulator a lot more reliable when using sound & music. you need to change that in the board / platform specification file (i can look it up again in detail if it’s needed)
  • change urlnotouch and urltouch if you want to use different files
  • save the template as index.html and make sure the index.html and other files are in a single folder
  • don’t forget to change the title and author in the header in the index.html template
  • when doing gamebuino release on itch add a “gamebuino” tag for your game so your game shows up when people search for “gamebuino”
  • you can also just use console2-fullscreen.html directly renamed to index.html if you don’t want to use different views on pc / phone and it will not require messing with an iframe or so (as itch already uses one) it should scale to the dimensions you sett for the frame on (while keeping aspect ratio)
  • Set landscape mode as the default view for phones and don’t forget to enable the checkbox for “phone friendly” like this

Hey the WASM emulator now has implemented these fullscreen / console options into a single “fullscreen.html” file so you should use those files now instead of my files. for more info see this post here.

Basically you need to include the package files and link to your game(.bin) using bin= parameter and if you want to add the console skin just use the new background=X parameter to either load console skin “1” or “2” or “none”

So these files you’ll need to grab from the WASM repo

and this is the new index.html template to make use of those files (only urltouch & urlnotouch have changed):

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
    <title>Waternet - Gamebuino Meta</title>
    <meta name="author" content="Willems Davy" />
			function setIframeSrc()
				const iframe = document.querySelector('#iframe');
				urlnotouch = "./fullscreen.html?bin=game.bin";
				urltouch = "./fullscreen.html?bin=game.bin&background=2";
				if (window.matchMedia("(any-pointer:coarse)").matches)
					iframe.setAttribute('src', urltouch);
					iframe.setAttribute('src', urlnotouch);
  <body onload="setIframeSrc();">
    <iframe id="iframe" style="position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 0;" src="" />


It’s also normally possible to load game.bin by changing fullscreen.html
This is fullscreen.html adapted to load game.bin

and the urlnotouch and urltouch would become the following then:

urlnotouch = "./fullscreen.html";
urltouch = "./fullscreen.html?background=2";

you can see it in action here Waternet - Gamebuino Meta (surf to it with browser on desktop & phone). Note on it will use the containers size


itch .io project pages are designed to be as non-obtrusive and flexible, giving control to the … You can edit the description in the Edit game form . In order to clicker counter do that, click on the Edit game button on the top or go back to the Dashboard where our game should be listed now and click Edit in the list.Select the public option and click the Save button**. Now anyone should be able to find and play your browser game on

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