New creation : Square Nose Color - by Juice_Lizard

Square nose color

"A Squarrel for September"

As promised, I have begun to make a port of my last Arduboy game "Square Nose", with all the features allowed by the Meta (colors, full screen, and more...). It is the first time I code on this console (except for my other Arduboy crosscompiled games). It would be great if I manage to finish this game this month, and if I could show it at IndieCade Europe in Paris, even for just an hour. The inspirations for "Square Nose Color" are mainly "Sonic the hedgehog", "Portal" and "Super Meat Boy". The main character is a small animal trapped in a laboratory, who has to eat dry pet food as fast as possible, to avoid being punished by Dr Meggan. It can run and jump, and it must avoid the other animals living in the test chambers. Dr Meggan will record the time that the squarrel spends eating the meaty rings, to find what is the best recipe and to sell millions of dry food boxes to all the pets in the world. All the characters are already printed on stickers avaible for 2 euros the A5 sheet (ask me in PM). T-shirts are on the way.

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