New creation : another 2048 - Classic Version - by Unknown

Another 2048

another2048 for the Gamebuino Classic


This is another 2048 game for the gamebuino classic. I created this myself because the original from the wiki does not work properly for me.


Copy the build/ onto your SD-card (not tested jet because my DIY Gambuino has no SD-card).
Alternatively open the another2048.ino in your Arduino IDE and upload it directly.


Just control it with the D-pad.
If you play beyond 8192 the message “Victory!” appears to prevent the numbers from overflowing the cells.
Note that at the moment there is no game-over screen. If you can’t move anymore then you have lost. I’m going to change it soon.

See more


Thank you @Graf_Makula.
this is a more fun version !