Gamebuino Meta games in JavaScript

  • Fixed a bug where lambdas were not capturing external local variables properly and would crash
  • TileMap converter no longer exports hidden layers
  • All tiles’ properties are now merged together in the base layer (including hidden layers), making them easier and faster to access
  • Added scanTileMap({properties:values}, (x, y) => debug('Found match', x, y)) for all platforms (useful for instantiating player/enemies/items/etc)
  • Implemented support for for(let key in object)
  • Implemented value = clamp(value, min, max)
  • getWidth(R.tilemap) and getHeight(R.tilemap) return a tilemap’s total dimensions in pixels
  • Fixed a copy-paste bug in the abs function (was returning a negative value for floats)
  • Implemented sign(value:number):number; which returns -1, 0 or 1
  • Implemented hash(str:string):number which is useful for string tile properties: const isWall = getTileProperty(x, y, 'type') == hash('wall');
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Great job FManga! I’ll give it a try soon! :slightly_smiling_face: