Have you connected the sensor correctly in 3V3 power ?
It will not work in 5V on Gamebuino ! Reminder you should never connect 5V things to the Gameubino META : you risk damaging it
Did you set up the correct pin, as connected to the Gamebuino META ?
#define DHTPIN 2 // use D2 in this example
#define DHTTYPE DHT22 // use a DHT22 ( not an DHT11 )
DHT dht (DHTPIN, DHTTYPE); // create the sensor library object
I always prefer to connect the data read pin to a pull-up resistor (here I used a 4.7 kΩ resistor, but you can also use a 10 kΩ). This helps stabilize the signal from the sensor.
The pull-up resistor is connected between the readout pin (white wire) and the supply line (red wire):
I used digital port 12 here, but you can choose the one you want (avoid using ports 0 (RX) and 1 (TX), which are used for UART serial communication with your PC).
Hallo Steph, JMP
thank you very much,
with this adafruit DHT-sensor-library it works perfectly (unfortenately the system used the “arduino DHT library” (guess from the arduino forum) or the"DHT-sensor-library-master".
It even works without the resistor (-> simpler wireing without an additional boad)